HCA Billboard -- Saving Lives Takes Heart

The Heart of
Patient Care

HCA East Florida is home to some of the most renowned cardiac surgeons in the nation. But the South Florida market is a hot spot for cardiac surgery with a multitude of competing campaigns from other hospitals. How could HCA inform its audience that its heart team offers unparalleled experience in minimally invasive procedures?

Tasked with creating a differentiating, localized campaign, we crafted unique messaging and produced stunning visuals — all to convey the esteem of a national brand.

Identifying two key physicians, we elevated their stories and focused on their passion and care for patients. “Saving Lives Takes Heart” spoke to potential patients about trusting their care with someone they can connect with and leveraged clinical experience as the foundational message.

HCA East Florida magazine advertisement


Layered, comprehensive advertisements for out-of-home, television, digital, social, print and video content were produced. And the campaign led to a dramatic increase in brand awareness for the physicians and programs.

HCA East Florida montage of advertisement campaigns